
Top 10 Hottest Brunettes: Iconic


what r well are old I know who he was what you are implying come the brunette has had a beautiful history taken it and then a little more until finely you have it all welcome to watch model dot com and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 hottest iconic brunettes you don’t know what it feels like to be on to a man and know that you could buy em up twenty times over for this list we’ve looked throughout the history up celebrity and put together the prettiest lineup possible south there are no criteria limitations in terms of career path as long as the lady has brown hair she’s in with a chance 3 we both know what kinda cool I can we both know I don’t wanna hear mama you have to number ten Ava Gardner in English very well and week open with an audacious Penn Patel actress who led a life as interesting as her good looks were enticing darling I can help him I nights eva gardner made a name for herself in with the killers mine and Nolan and would go on to Oscar nominations in 1953 form a gumbo I’m body means a budding can I am Trevor in her private life Gardner led a series of marriages relationships and close personal friendships with many of the most famous men up the air a blockbuster don’t you get over stimulated with me I love gala full all the way from New York that lousy places stock can Mickey Rooney Frank Sinatra Howard Hughes and ernest hemingway were all captivated end it easy to see why who is the most beautiful woman I seem him number nine allie mcgraw McGrew Anna good right another actress with talent to match her attractiveness allie mcgraw came to fame in nineteen seventy when she was an Oscar nominee and Golden Globe winner for her role opposite Ryan O’Neil in love story Chania sorry don’t love means never having to say you’re sorry a woman whom audiences would all like to romance McGraw was the main draw too many a movie at the following few decades just keep that up dog that will matter how far we get away her long dark hair was often warn parted down the middle but her looks in general definitely didn’t divide opinion everyone thought she was hot are me bar are unique p.m. number eight vivien leigh oh yes I’m your ears used money lol mom me field as Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind vivien leigh insured an iconic status that will never be lost and as Blanche DuBois in a streetcar named desire she doubled her best actress Oscar Hall for good measure an album am play head home in to take a streetcar named desire for all her fine acting however she was fantastically fun looking as well you must be and age a southern belle to behold we had eyes that were impossible to look away from and four her promotional pictures she was able to capture a lookup longing which had fans are longing for her dubbed that you fortune moved number seven gene seymour you found yourself and international movie star the seventies eighties nineties and even with in the twenty-first century cat my way button Jane Seymour has led an exceptional career and what’s perhaps even more impressive particularly in relation to today’s camp down is that she’s still turning heads joy party in 2005’s Wedding Crashers she all but stole the show as kitty cat cleary Comp Cams okay cat call me and older generation will most remember her as Bond girl solitaire in live and Let Die however or as Kathy games in East a beam my name is scattered ends night she was and is the picture up paradise forums would you deleted just testing an old adage no unloaded Cubs on number six Whitney Houston petty yeah a woman who in 2009 was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the most awarded female active all time Whitney Houston had a habit of winning things and Wow ing us with good looks as she did so and icon and then some she broke all sorts of sales records during her career and is still one of the best selling artist ever the with the start in the 1992 movie The Bodyguard as well and we’ve got to agree with no we won’t try to sing back film’s famous soundtrack because we will always love her pending love you number five Brooke Shields but thank you a child star turned adult actress Brooke Shields pleaded in and out of show business during the 80s but she was ever-present in all things attractive 100 comes between me and my Calvins nappy a brunette who took a break from acting in order to attend Princeton University upon graduating she grabbed attention for more than just her degree in French literature don’t mind me asking but why I mean your work I meant what he the have 24 years the Princeton my professors the death but I think higher gold an intelligent person undoubtedly Shields was also absurdly pretty stuff that’s what happened to me pick out an iced she had a base for the film reel and four-time was the beauty up broadway what a babe you always staring at my only cuz looks so funny you know what you look like now I’m you look like one of pictures patty had a mistrust when it she could she curled I height but number four Natalie Wood you live here don’t who lives another teen star turned all out international celebrity Natalie Wood was a woman we’d all like to have met but sad elected nudity her long brown hair became a regular feature have many a well-received movie in the sixties and seventies as this hardy had to her name 3 Academy Award nominations nice clean I’m nice in splendour in the Grass was playin a character trying to find her way in life and love oh well we’re young look at things very idealistic Lee I can’t on screen she was unsure off-screen we were all absolutely certain here was a gal worth going the extra mile for down I yeah I number three Sophia Loren money spot money security money spread stepping onto the podium Sophie Lorenc bring style and sophistication to the party in a way that no one else can I wish to make a man happy this Italian French film star first fell into international attention after her role in the gritty drama to women for go but up government but is also well known for appearing alongside charlton heston in El Cid and Peter Sellers in the millionairess remaining probably would have won with an appealingly edgy look but not quite in the same way as the restive Hollywood which was a good thing she had good luck that got remembered after all a dream I am made of flesh and blood swelled number two Cindy Crawford I know you’ve been looking at me in some way got to say them sometimes a standard model can’t quite make the cut to be a supermodel but in our runner-ups case she all but invented the latter term yes needs me film Cindy Crawford dominated the magazine I’ll in the late eighties and nineties featuring on a variety of covers many times over the legs vogue Harper’s Bazaar now and a war were clamoring for the latest crop art photo shoots and is it any wonder trademark PD spot in all she’s credited with converting mainstream culture from the bubbly blonde to the sultry brunette before we unveil our topic here are a few honorable mentions are Charlie 1 I’ll you on your mind you along call someone on all and remember it is 1964 still some place between the traditions of the past and the independents have the future swine number one audrey hepburn Walsh do you think handsomely paid she’s one of the most iconic people up the 20th century she’s one of the most beautiful and she’s Burnett quite clearly she’s a very deserving winner up to date countdown I can’t hear but got no name slabs we belong to nobody and a blast as we don’t even belong to each other in fact Audrey Hepburn is often described as one of if not be most beautiful woman that ever lived whether she’s longing for breakfast at tiffany’s partaking in a Roman Holiday or leading us on a charade don’t you think you could pick and just for a moment I know mothers not already be arrested for transporting a minor about the first floor hepburn is the fairest other fair ladies the by he loved she set the brunette mark and she’s never likely to be bettered goodnight do you agree with our list the new house where the night in thank you do a thing like that which iconic brunette is your favorite I am wish by millions who believe in who want to confuse what a hand with the so-called define origin every Roman general seems to acquire together with the shield for more beautiful top 10’s published every day be sure to subscribe to watch macho dot com moon you wouldn’t want anyone to just walk in a sweet award are are are bar well

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