
top 10 hottest female cartoon characters


yeah they might not be real but that doesn’t stop men from drooling over them even if they probably wouldn’t admit this publicly let’s see what she can do welcome to watchmojo.com and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 hottest cartoon characters what’s been kind of oceans cock can keep Alec for this list we are only looking at female characters from animated TV series and films but we’re excluding mail or anime characters as those topics deserve their own lists it’s not like it’s the end of the world nothing number 10 aeon flux the title character of this animated series is a secret agent from Monica who wears a tight leather outfit or at least parts of a tight leather outfit if that isn’t enough she’s also a skilled assassin who is extremely acrobatic goodness the avantgarde sci-fi series featured explicit sexuality including scenes of domination and other fetishes while we often didn’t know what was going on plot wise was anyone really paying attention to the story when aeon flux was on the screen number nine Daphne Blake the scooby-doo franchise look a secret room known for her red hair green scarf and purple pumps Daphne is without a doubt the prettiest member of the mystery inc gang oh my gosh professor hi Dwight in the early seasons of the show daphne was constantly the one to be kidnapped playing the stereotypical damsel in distress role in fact her nickname was actually ganger prone Daphne due to her inability to keep herself safe in later seasons her role expanded and she became more independent giving her the intellect to match your beauty I just don’t get it if this locket didn’t belong to Professor rock below the hill she certainly gave guys are reason to watch Saturday morning cartoons oh that’s right in the gang gotta go I want to be late for school my mom I get number eight shyra sheer and princess of power Shira was originally designed to interest young girls the way he meant appeal to young boys but her luscious long legs and beautiful blonde hair quickly made her a favorite among both the male and the female population the only true strength comes from the height so please come inside it’s time for sheer out to do her stuff throw in her short white dress and smoking nineteen forties jazz singer voice and it’s easy to see why Shira remains one of the most popular and desirable cartoon characters of all time my hero number seven lana kane Archer you’re such a prick lana kane is without question the hottest government agent ever to be created the former girlfriend of the titular character and the mother of his child Lana is incredibly attractive but equally self-conscious just get straight on come on Cyril came on to me shut up he’s totally passed out though she’d never admit it there’s no one who gets under her skin more than Archer probably because on some level she still has feelings for her chronically unfaithful x first of all see related on you as much as i did Lana and I’m 10 times and summer than him so we’re the same wanna be honest with yourself though she is best known for wearing a tight white sweater dress she isn’t afraid to strip down to our unmentionables and the guys love her for it what are you doing right by King in the sink where should i do it in the toilet I mean Oh number six erotica Jones stripperella stripperella yeah a stripper who moonlights as a crime fighter and is voiced by pamela anderson that just screams scandalous luscious lips supple breasts firm lickable thighs humans get a lot of action wearing tight leather pants and a very revealing top stripperella spends her nights pole dancing but also saving the world from crime oh I love fighting crime her powers include superhuman strength and heightened reflexes but also using her blonde hair as a parachute she has access to many super technological devices including a lie detector in her breasts and a digital scanner under her tongue you couldn’t just take something to his body I put something in his pocket on top of this the show featured topless nudity numerous double entendre and a main villain named queen taurus what more do you need I’ll give you two choices clitoris you can either come quietly become screaming after I work you over number five Hollywood cool world from one sexy hollywood starlet to another this animated vixen was voiced by kim basinger in the nineteen ninety-two film pool world I’ve been checking up on what these noite games have got going in the real world and i wanted when we first see Hollywood she is dancing seductively in a club wearing a white dress that barely covers her breasts in fact we have no idea how that dress stays on or how nothing accidentally pops out this is an exact replica of the dress malin Monroe Warren let’s make love she has sex with another character which turns her into a human and later even sings let’s make love as a duet with Frank Sinatra jr. you’re sold but it’s as a doodle that Holly is the queen of cool world and there’s no denying she is incredibly hot as well Oh number for Wonder Woman the DC Animated universe has anyone looked better in a pair of star spangled blue spanks throw in the knee high boots the form-fitting red top and the TR that holds back for wild black hair and Wonder Woman is without a doubt one of the sexiest cartoon characters of all time I am ready then go now more than just a pretty face she fights crime comes from a royal lineage and owns her own invisible jet all of which makes her the total package the fact that she first appeared in comic books in 1941 but makes the list for her appearance in a 21st century cartoon speaks to her timeless beauty I lift cars i can lift car door handles talked about this angel I know sorry Oh Thank You Stevie you’re such a gentleman number three Betty Boop the Betty Boop franchise right now and again I know Betty Boop is the OG when it comes to sexy cartoon characters she’s been turning heads since the nineteen thirties famous for her revealing dress that emphasized her luscious curves and then modeled after the Jazz ages flapper girls she was actually considered a threat to the whole some values of the . forcing animators to tone down her sexy antics oh you’re bad meal here when your father my i’m going to become the first woman that the United the last thing i do without her paving the way for other sexy cartoon characters to follow this list probably would not exist and for that we have to give her some serious props can’t you hear number two princess ariel the little mermaid wear look at let’s cap please read and foremost boys growing up in the late eighties and early nineties the disney princess of choice was either aerial or jasmine while the Arabian beauty with the blue crop top that hangs off her shoulders makes a strong case the red-haired stunner with the seashell bra is too hard to pass up you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life ariel is an independent and curious young mermaid who has some daddy issues he’s a human or I made I don’t care while she may not be the most practical character seeing as her lower half is essentially a pin this doesn’t make her any less attractive or desirable that’s a understand that they don’t reprimand their daughters before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions him Bonnie you don’t mind if I watch do you watch what you Josh it’s so obvious that you’re crushing on him what a choice invite com I’m sure you’re one second I’m going to turn you into a molten lava we have to cross this yes I shan’t our lives on the other side it back by the club in the number one jessica rabbit who framed roger rabbit thanks to move and coming as a surprise to absolutely no one Jessica Rabbit takes the title of hottest cartoon character of all time you don’t know how hard it is being a woman looking the way I do seriously though no one has come close to claiming her crown she’s tall beautiful and voluptuous and as she explains I’m not bad I’m just wrong that way what makes her most attractive however is her loyalty to her goofy husband roger rabbit oh honey bunny love warm how on earth did this cartoon bunny managed to land a girl like that it truly is one of the great mysteries of the world fell on rocky let’s go vacant care do you agree with our list this is your chance to make us some Bach have it turn and apologize what do you think is the hottest cartoon babe couple things for more sizzling top tens published every day be sure to subscribe to watchmojo.com I want to come I think I just did yeah

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